Learn how to use the Roblox Skins AI Bot on Discord to create images from prompts

Quick Guidelines For Creating Great Prompts?

  1. Decide on the outfit you want the AI to create. You can get the best results by using characters from TV shows or movies to give it a basic reference.
  2. Choose what features the AI should focus on. Specify the colors you want, and what details you want to see.
  3. Test out different prompts to see how the AI does, and change them if needed.


Step-By-Step Guide

  1. Join the Customuse Discord server to access the Roblox Skins AI. You can only use the AI in the Roblox-Skins-AI Discord channels.
  2. Use the /imagine command to generate clothing templates. Define what kind of clothing you want the AI to generate. For example, /imagine: Viking warrior.
  3. Once you have generated the templates, Select the version you want to download using.
  4. Download full-resolution images through Discord. Then Upload them on Roblox!

Use "📝Edit in Customuse" to further customize!

  1. First, click the “Edit in Customuse” button.

Screenshot 2023-06-04 at 1.49.11 PM.png

  1. You can use the Customuse website to add edits - add accessories, stickers, your own images, text, and even draw to add further details!

Screenshot 2023-06-04 at 1.50.38 PM.png